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And Then There Were None: Book review

Ten strangers summoned to this mysterious island named Soldier Island.

10 people asked to stay in mansion on that island, all were called by unknown letter claiming different scenario like job interview etc.

All gather for dinner and suddenly some recording starts to play in the background
It lists or says names of all these 10 people and the list of people these 10 people are responsible for their death. So secret of all these people is exposed.

After listening this recording, some of them start defending themselves. Some try to say that they do not know how this happened. But everyone come to know that all are guilty of their did. As all of them are in same dig, so they try to find out who played this recording.

These people also noticed that  there is a framed poem posted on wall of everyone’s room. Poem is about 10 soldier boys who died or disappeared one by one in mysterious way. In every stanza one person gets disappear or dead and till last stanza of poem, there is no one left. Last line of poem is the very title of this book ‘and then there were none.’

These 10 people don’t take this poem seriously.

And after dinner, one of them died after drinking the poisonous drink. They also noticed (you can also notice from poem) that one of the soldiers from poem also died due to poison.

As days passes these people are dying the same way as described in poem. Also one more thing when one person dies, there were 10 solder miniature figures (statue) kept at common area of house get disappears one by one.

So as reader you come to know there are these 10 people in the house. There is poem of 10 soldiers. And there are 10 figures in the room. And all three are related.These people try to get rid of this situation. But they are at isolated island. There is storm out there. And boat is not going to come, as the frequency of the boat is once in a week. So they have to survive till then. And these people try to find out who is murdering these people. And book is all about that finding the murderer.

And suddenly there comes point that multiple people causing death of multiple people. Whoooooa… 

What I like most about this book is twisted ending, well developed mystery, motive and the character development.

Keep guessing who the murderer is and why these 10 people are invited. I will leave it to you.

Go grab a book and enjoy.

Enjoy this thriller crime mystery.

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Spoiler Alert:

All these 10 people are dead.So who killed those remains mystery

Then after the storm, boat comes and other people/police tried to find out what happened at island. How all these people are died. There are 10 dead bodies all over with different kind of death.So they try to figure out multiple scenarios to find out who killed who.And also as reader, you use your brain to find out what exactly happened. But I am telling you, this is impossible to guess as the book is written by Agatha Christie. And it is difficult to think like her. Yes! At the end of the book, in last few pages you will get to know the killer.

I am not going to reveal it here.